
T. L.
Thank you so much for helping me with my teeth. The people there were real good to me and my son. The dentist and his staff treated me with great respect. I know these people will be blessed in what they do. I feel really good about my teeth now and that means a lot to me and my son! Thank you for being there. Bless you for your work.
"Mr. T. L. was first seen as a patient in our office in 2013. He had developed a painful toothache which we extracted at his first appointment. Finances were an issue and at this visit he let us know that he could not afford dental treatment for himself. We knew that T.L. is the primary caregiver to his adult son who has Downs’ Syndrome. T.L. has diligently brought his son into our office for regular checkups since 2012 and always paid.
We wanted to help. Our office works with the Donated Dental program and we thought that T.L. would qualify for their program. In January 2015 we received paperwork that T.L. was next up to receive treatment and Dr. G. accepted his case. We created a treatment plan that included removing his remaining teeth and replacing them with dentures. With the help of an oral surgeon and lab who are both participants in the Donated Dental program we were able to give T.L. his smile back.
We feel that we have helped a truly worthy individual and given him a better quality of life. Mr. T.L. and his son have given us a thank you every step of the way and at every appointment. Just today we received another card in the mail from his son. The front of the card has a girl with a big smile and says “That was sooo nice of you!” and the inside of the card reads “Is this a thank you smile, or what?"
- Dr. M. G.
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